
Spanish Vietnamese


By Julie Estlick

A shirtless young man is hiking near the granite dome atop Greyrock Mountain when a thunderstorm blows in and hail pelts his exposed skin. Tom Adams spots the shivering hiker and offers him a poncho and drinking water for the trek back down.

This scene is far from unusual for Adams and his fellow Poudre Wilderness Volunteers, who patrol over 280 miles along a system of 69 trails on foot and horseback to assist the U.S. 林业局峡谷湖护林员区. 该地区包括罗斯福国家森林和波尼国家草原. “人们就是没有做好准备,”亚当斯说. “他们没有带足够的零食和水, and I see so many individuals wearing flip-flops or sandals that don’t cover their whole foot. 这些小径上有响尾蛇,毒藤沿着边缘生长. It’s not safe.”

科罗拉多州北部的夏季意味着阳光和充足的日光, 非常适合户外探险和在新鲜空气中锻炼. Proper preparation, though, 一次成功的郊游和一次不舒服的郊游有什么区别吗, 甚至是非常危险的. Staying safe and enjoying some fun in the sun is a breeze if you follow the advice of the experts and keep a few things in mind when planning your summer activities.

Do your research

无论你的目标是在山脚下悠闲地徒步旅行, 或者渴望登顶你的第一个14米, take the time to investigate the areas you want to explore and trace out a route on a map that you’ll carry with you. A printed map in addition to a map app on your phone is ideal in case you lose cellular reception or your phone’s battery dies.

“人们确实会分心,错过道路交叉点和地标,” says Jill Reynolds, 拉里默县搜索中心的教育主任 & Rescue (LCSAR). “We’re seeing more and more reliance on cell phones (for directions and help if lost), 哪个是不稳定的,不应该指望.”

The nonprofit LCSAR averages 70 calls a year and summertime is particularly busy with the increase in recreational activity and visitors to the region, Reynolds says. You can help visitors avoid altitude sickness by staying at a lower elevation for at least 24 hours before any activity, 慢慢走,让他们的身体适应更稀薄的空气. 头痛和精神错乱是高原反应的常见症状, and treatment includes rest, drinking lots of water, 并尽快到海拔较低的地方去, experts advise.

其他工具:显示一个地区地形的地质图, landmarks, and elevation gain, 指南针和指南针在野外旅行时都很有用. 如果在当地的小路上骑车更符合你的速度, 随身携带自行车路线地图,以便快速参考, 一个轮胎修理包,有一个额外的内胎和一个打气筒. 在城市周围的小路上也有几个自行车维修站. 别忘了戴上头盔!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

green water bottle说到水,脱水可不是一种度过无忧无虑夏日的有趣方式! 随身携带至少一个装满水的瓶子,并知道可以放在哪里
refill it on your route. If you’re hiking or camping near a lake or stream, be sure to take a water purification device. Lakes, ponds, and streams should be considered suspect because they may contain one or more disease-causing organisms that can sicken you or your pet, 根据科罗拉多公园和野生动物的说法. For example, 贾第虫病是一种由寄生虫引起的肠道疾病, 哪些可以通过与感染者接触传播. 净水片将消除大多数水传播疾病. 一个人每天至少应该喝2升水(半加仑)。, more if exercising strenuously. Children have less fluid in their bodies so dehydration has a bigger effect on them, 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC).

别忘了带上高能量零食,比如格兰诺拉燕麦棒, nuts, dried fruit, 即使是计划好的短途旅行也要吃牛肉干. Food breaks are a great incentive for young children who are getting antsy or tired, 如果你迷路了,你需要卡路里.

Be sun savvy

The sun’s rays are more intense in northern Colorado because of our high altitude. Even on a cloudy day, protect yourself from sunburn and skin damage by putting on sunscreen with SPF30 around 30 minutes before you go into the sun, 每两小时补一次. Wear a hat that covers the back of your neck (or a bandana if you’re wearing a helmet). Protect your peepers with UV protection sunglasses that block out the dangerous rays of the sun.

Loose, breathable clothes are good options to wear against your skin to stay comfortable in the summer heat. Bring a jacket to layer for warmth if the temperature drops and to protect against wind and rain.

你知道小孩比大人对热更敏感吗? 耐热性直接受到体型大小的影响. 儿童每磅体重有更多的皮肤, as well as thinner skin, 使他们更不能忍受高温或寒冷的压力, according to the CDC. 经常在阴凉处休息,让自己凉快下来.

Stay weather-ready

black hat and gloves出发前查看目的地的天气预报. No rain predicted? 无论如何,在背包里放一件雨披或防风/防水夹克. Afternoon rainstorms occur regularly in the summertime and daily weather changes are  the norm. 如果你要去山里, 带上暖和的衣服,包括帽子, gloves, 还有长裤,因为即使天气好,气温也会越来越低.

One rule to memorize: If you hear thunder, you get out—lightning isn’t far away, notes Adams. 下山或者找个地方躲起来. This principle applies whether you’re hiking, biking, swimming, or on the baseball diamond.

如果你看到闪电,又没有避雨的地方, 避开田野和山顶是很重要的. 如果你要徒步旅行,尽量往山下走. 保持低一点,这样你就不会是周围最高的东西. Get in a ditch or depression, and never stand under a lone, tall tree, or under a tent or pavilion with metallic frames that could spread electricity in a strike. Also, avoid bodies of water which conduct electricity and can send lighting traveling far. 记住:闪电可以击中离雷暴很远的地方, even without rain, 所以如果你听到雷声,立即行动.

The Buddy System

For safety’s sake, 在你的夏日探险中带上一个伙伴是很好的, and ALWAYS stick together. If you’re recreating with a group of friends, stay with the group and never leave anyone behind. Know your limits and don’t overestimate anyone’s abilities, yours or members of the group.

“Getting too focused on the summit, or a particular end point, can lead to poor decisions,” says Dr. Alison Sheets, group leader and medical director for the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group. “如果在一天中太难或太晚,不要羞于转身.”

Volunteers with the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group provide technical mountain search and rescue services in Boulder County but are sometimes called for mutual aid in Rocky Mountain National Park. Sheets, 博尔德的急诊医师, 去年与该小组一起参加了98次任务, often helping those who had suffered leg or foot injuries and couldn’t walk out on their own.

satellite phone in handShare your plans

Emergency responders say the most important thing you can do to ensure your safe return home when enjoying a summer outing is to make a plan—and then share it.

制定一个详细的旅行计划,包括你的路线, your destination, 当你计划到达和返回时, 还有所有和你在一起的人的名字和十大娱乐彩票平台. Then give the information to a family member or trusted friend who is not on the trip. 此外,一定要在你的车里留下某种身份证明.

最后,在山区不要依赖手机服务. Satellite phones and personal locator beacons are a safer option to communicate an emergency (see breakout box below). While you are busy recreating, conserve battery charge on your cell phone by putting it in "airplane mode" setting so it doesn't get drained searching for a signal. Plus, it eliminates the screen distractions and the temptation to post photos to social media immediately. Instead, breathe in the fresh air, smile at your companions, and savor the sweetness of summertime.

For more information:
Larimer County Search &
Rocky Mountain Rescue Group –
National Safety Council –
Topographical maps -可从美国免费下载.S. Geological Survey:
Fort Collins Bike Map
Personal Locator Beacon – The National Park Service recommends having a PLB if you’ll be in a remote area on land or in a boat. Once activated, these devices transmit a distress signal that is relayed to emergency response agencies along with your location. 在当地的户外娱乐商店和网上都可以租到.
Satellite Phones – have an SOS button, and also allow you to make and receive phone calls to family or friends in most environments. 卫星电话公司提供租赁服务.